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Behind the Blogger

Who I Am

Growing up as I did, I knew that the way things were then was not all that life had to offer. Though most people around me didn't believe me, I always knew I would speak to millions of people.  I had humongous dreams, that didn't feel big at all, just felt natural to me. As I got older and things didn't look as if they would work out the way I'd hoped, I started doubting myself, and almost gave in to the way of thinking that surrounded me. Thankfully, my God brother stepped in and slapped me back to reality (literally) hehe.  I give him a hard time at times because of the self-doubt.. You know, "maybe everyone was right, maybe I was just dreaming. None of that stuff will ever come true".  Bullshit, if that ain't a bunch of crap, my name isn't Lee to the mutha freakin Lee.  I'm growing, mentally, physically, spiritually, and professionally, and would love for you all to grow with me.  If not, ummmmm one day you'll just have to read about me.  This is only the beginning for me.  Life has taken on a whole new meaning, and it was not just a dream.  I am destined for greatness, I just had to get out of my own way to see it.


Lee 2 the Lee is a lot of special gifts in one tiny package.  Intelligent, funny, quirky, loves to laugh, super sensitive, I cry a commercials huhhhhh..  I always try to find the good in every situation.  That is not always working out in my favor, but at least I tried..right?  Though I view the world through rose colored glasses, please don't think that I am unaware of what is really going on, I just choose to not waste energy on the negative.  Writing these things leaves me feeling vulnerable, but untouchable.  My God Brother reminded me just the other day that, "If you can think it, you can be it".  I thank him for that.  Well I am a billionaire, sooooo.....

About: Bio
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