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Breaking The Chains

It is 2018, and I just woke up.. It's like the story of the elephant and the peg. If you don't know that story look it up, that explains a lot. With that slavery mentality that so many in my family, and community have, I didn't realize I was free all along. I asked my God brother how do you change the mentality of so many? He let me know they have to get it on their own. No matter how much something is explained, you have those that automatically get it, those that eventually get it, and those that never get it. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why I wasn't getting some of the things that I've recently been taught, things that would change my life for the better. It wasn't like I didn't want to, I just couldn't fight the voice I kept hearing cracking a whip if I dared make something of myself. They didn't, so I wasn't going to either, I'm guessing. I was very angry about all of that until yesterday. I so get it now.. Not so long ago my grandparents were raised on the tail end of slavery, so why would I have expected anything different. I was raised in that do as I say, not as I do, and if you think for yourself you are going against your master mentality. I respected my mother, and grandmother, and thought that what they said was the gospel. I held on to every word, thinking I was doing what a child was supposed to do. I rebelled a little, but not enough to break the chains. I don't care one way or the other what color a slave owner is, the most important part is to understand it. Modern day slavery is a bitch, especially when it's all in your mind. Fuck it!!! You either stay that way, or realize you are free, and live your life accordingly.

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